Communities in IIMA Institutional Repository

Choose a community to browse its collections.

Annual Reports 61

A comprehensive report on IIMA's activities throughout the year.

Conference Proceedings 226

This collection consists of proceedings of conferences held at IIMA

Faculty Publications (Bibliographic) 10768

Bibliographic Collection of IIMA Faculty

IIMA in Media 7197

News on IIMA or faculty members of IIMA have written a column published in print newspapers.

Question Papers 0

Question Papers (PGP)

Student Projects 3208

As a part of the curriculum, students submitted various project reports.

Thesis and Dissertations 470

Thesis/Dissertations submitted by PhD scholars for award of Doctor of Philosophy.

Video Library 336

It is a collection of institute videos like convocations, seminars, invited talks, etc.

Working Papers 2627

Working Papers are pre-publication versions of technical papers, academic articles, book chapters, reviews, etc.