Browsing by Subject Biological Diversity

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Nov-2010Conserving Biodiversity and Rewarding Associated Knowledge and Innovation Systems: Honey Bee PerspectiveGupta, Anil K.
11-Oct-1997Farmers innovations for sustainable resource management and conservation of biological diversityGupta, Anil K.; Suthar, Jitendra; Muralikrishnan, Srinivas; Patel, Kirit K.; Chauhan, Vijay; Koradia, Dilip; Rawal, Alka; Pastakia, Astad R.; Shukla, Shailesh; Sherry Chand, Vijaya
5-Jul-2010Sacred Groves and Biological Diversity: Providing New Dimension to Conservation IssuesGupta, Anil K.; Deshmukh, S.; Gogate, M.G.