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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
6-Aug-2010The Ahmedabad Electricity Co. Ltd.Monappa, Arun
8-Jul-2010Electricity Reforms, firm Level Responses and Environmental ImplicationsMenon-Choudhury, D.; Shukla, P. R.; Biswas, D.; Nag, Tirthankar
20-Oct-2012External cost of coal based electricity generation: a tale of Ahmedabad cityMahapatra, Diptiranjan; Shukla, Priyadarshi; Dhar, Subash
12-Oct-2012Meeting electricity deficit due to coal supply issues using gas-based powerRaghuvanshi, Ankush R.; Singh, Harjot; Garg, Tushar
3-Jul-2010Operational Planning for Peak Electricity Problem: Policy and Modelling AnalysisMajumdar, S.; Pandey, Rahul; Shukla, P. R.
7-Jul-2010Power Sector Reforms and Reforms and Proposed Electricity BillPandey, Ajay
2005Power sector reforms: emerging generation markets and externalitiesBiswas, Debashish
3-Sep-2010Simhadri Super Thermal Power Project (A)Pandey, Ajay; Morris, Sebastian