Browsing by Subject Facilities planning and design

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
25-Nov-2013A competitive genetic algorithm for single row facility layoutKothari, Ravi; Ghosh, Diptesh
2017Estimating performance in a robotic mobile fulfillment systemRoy, Debjit; Lamballais, T.; De Koster, M. B. M.
25-Dec-2024Exploiting travel sequences to optimise facility layouts with multiple input/output pointsKhalilabadi, Sayyed Mahdi Ghorashi; Roy, Debjit; Koster, Rene de
25-Nov-2013A Lin-Kernighan heurisitic for single row facility layoutKothari, Ravi; Ghosh, Diptesh
22-Nov-2013Path relinking for single row facility layoutKothari, Ravi; Ghosh, Diptesh
2015Queuing models to analyze dwell-point and cross-aisle location in autonomous vehicle-based warehouse systemsRoy, Debjit; Krishnamurthy, Ananth; Heragu, Sunderesh; Malmborg, Charles
25-Nov-2013Scatter search algorithms for the single row facility layout problemKothari, Ravi; Ghosh, Diptesh
20-Nov-2013Tabu search for the single row facility layout problem using exhaustive 2-opt and insertion neighborhoodsKothari, Ravi; Ghosh, Diptesh