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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
9-May-2021605 graduates from IIM-ATOI News
2020Analyzing career succession of a typical management studentUnmesh, Pandit Apurv; Shukla, Akash
27-May-2016Becoming an MBA gets tougher as fees rise, scholarships ebbChhapia, Hemali
23-Dec-2019Change, the only constantPatel, Diniar
2020Difference between student perceptions of virtual learning vis-a-vis offline learning in light of COVID 19: a comparative studyBajpai, Utkarsh; Pradeep, Bhute Bhavik
9-May-2021From doping scandals to riots, earthquake to 'A Few Good Men' - lessons on loyalty and ethics at IIM-A convocationExpress News Service
17-Oct-2020From sports to fashion, IIM Ahmedabad's PGP batch has students from diverse backgrounds-
15-Jan-2020How to choose between MBA and PGDMBanchariya, Sheetal
16-Jan-2020How to choose between MBA and PGDMBanchariya, Sheetal
10-Sep-2021IIT Madras best, again, IIMA and IIMB among top 50Umarji, Vinay
2015Impact of Gender Diversity in An MBA Batch: Analyzing the evolution of motivational factors towards various career choicesSablania, Ratika; Nag, Debabrata
24-Mar-2024Makeover of Business AdministrationBasu, Sreeradha D.; Bhattacharya, Saumya
11-Jun-2020New MBA, Old MBAKarkaria, Bachi
2-Nov-2024Not Has-Been Indian B-SchoolSurya, H K; Sen, Sandeep
9-Jan-2021Of percentiles, fat percentages and failureKelkar, Swanand
18-Jan-2020On Rohith Vemula's 4th death anniversary: IIM-B prof asks IIMA to implement quota in PhDRana, Niyati
14-May-2023Professionals' 'Covid march' of learning goes onShastri, Parth
21-Sep-2016Want to do an MBA? A CFA course could definitely help-
21-Jul-2016What 1991 Reforms Have taught Business SchoolsBhattacharya, Saumya; Khosla, Varuni; Basu, Sreeradha D.
8-Mar-2021Why there should be more women in MBA classrooms-