Browsing by Subject Machine learning

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 22  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
14-Dec-2021Analysing the impact of chatbot on customer engagementJakhar, Ankit Kumar; Singh, Sagar
14-Dec-2021Application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Omnichannel MarketingKulshreshtha, Nitin; Goyal, Shubham
14-Dec-2021Application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Omnichannel MarketingKulshreshtha, Nitin; Goyal, Shubham
9-Aug-2023Application of machine learning models in employee selection and performance managementDas, Amanisha; Singh, Anshit
21-Jun-2018Bank salvation does not lie in mergers-
2024Determination, estimation and enhancement of social media user engagement: a deep dive into sports marketingDeep, Prakash, C.
2023Essays on machine learning for enhanced decision support in e-CommerceKandula, Shanthan
2019Exploratory research on designing and marketing to increase the adoption of a mobile application that leverages artificial intelligence & machine learning for wealth managementNaik, Tejavath Mahesh; Singh, Ritesh Kr
2019Forecasting stock price movement in index using world newsVerma, Vibhor; Advani, Manish; Garg, Akhil
29-Sep-2023A gradient-based bilevel optimization approach for tuning regularization hyperparametersSinha, Ankur; Khandait, Tanmay; Mohanty, Raja
21-Mar-2022Impact of COVID on changes in ratings and reviews on e-Commerce platformsRoy, Sayanika; Chopra, Arham
21-Mar-2022Impact of using AI/ML-based virtual assistants 'chatbots'Konidala, Kalyan Srinivas; Bhimana, Ramakrishna
30-May-2018Learning of a decision-maker’s preference zone with an evolutionary approachAggarwal, Manish
2015Linguistic features for review helpfulness predictionKrishnamoorthy, Srikumar
1-Sep-2024A machine learning approach to solve the e-commerce box-sizing problemShanthan, Kandula; Roy, Debjit; Akartunalı, Kerem
21-Mar-2022New product development for ZomatoGoyal, Monisha; Patel, Mrigank
30-Apr-2021A prescriptive analytics framework for efficient E-commerce order deliveryKandula, Shanthan; Krishnamoorthy, Srikumar; Roy, Debjit
24-Nov-2017Sentiment analysis of financial news articles using performance indicatorsKrishnamoorthy, Srikumar
9-Nov-2022Sparsistent filtering of comovement networks from high-dimensional dataChakrabarti, Arnab; Chakrabarti, Anindya S.
8-Jul-2021Up your gameD'Souza, Errol