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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20-Jul-2010Attitude toward computers: development of a scaleChhokar, Jagdeep S.; Bhatnagar, Deepti
14-Mar-2010Definition and measurement of family involvementMisra, Sasi; Ghosh, Ratna; Kanungo, Rabindra N.
1995Determinants and mesurement of brand EquityGanesan, Rajesh; S., Rajesh
2017Is loss-aversion magnitude-dependent? measuring prospective affective judgments regarding gains and lossesSahay, Arvind; Mukherjee, Sumitava; Pammi, V. S. Chandrasekhar; Srinivasan, Narayanan
13-Mar-2010Measurement of attitudesArul, M. J.; Misra, Sasi
15-Mar-2010Measurement of attitudesArul, M. J.; Misra, Sasi
13-Mar-2010Measurement of capital input and estimation of time series production functions in Indian manufacturingDholakia, Bakul H.