Browsing by Subject Mediation
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2015 | Customer Perceived Service Quality, Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: An Empirical Test of Mediation in Private Hospitals | Rama, Koteswara R. K.; Panda, Rajeev K. |
17-Jul-2020 | Exploring the mediating role of work engagement between the linkages of job characteristics with organizational engagement and job satisfaction | Rai, Alka; Maheshwari, Sunil |
2012 | Linkage between perceived external prestige and emotional labour: mediation effect of organizational identification among pharmaceutical representatives in India | Mishra, Sushanta K.; Bhatnagar, Deepti; D'Cruz, Premilla; Noronha, Ernesto |
2019 | Mediation and conciliation in collective labor conflicts in India | Noronha, Ernesto; D'Cruz, Premilla |
2015 | Quality of Work Life plays the Mediating role in between Workplace Empowerment and Employee Commitment: A Study on Healthcare Employees of an Indian State | Nayak, Tanaya; Sahoo, Chandan K.; Mohanty, Pravat K. |