Browsing by Subject Medical education

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
24-Feb-2025Centre taps IIM-A to revamp India's apex medical education regulatorSharma, Priyanka
30-Apr-2022Exploring reasons for MD-PhD trainees’ experiences of impostor phenomenonChakraverty, Devasmita; Cavazos, Jose E.; Jeffe, Donna B.
2020Exploring reasons that U.S. MD-PHD students enter and leave their dual-degree programsChakraverty D.; Jeffe D.B.; Dabney K.P.; Tai R.H.
2009Medical education in Maharashtra: The student perspectiveHira R.S.; Gupta A.K.; Salvi V.S.; Ross M.W.
2006A study of under- graduate medical education in MaharashtraGupta, Atul Anil; Patil, Sapana