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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021A mathematical model for predicting length of postoperative intensive care requirement following cardiac surgery in an Indian hospitalDutta G.; Naik A.; Gosai D.; Ghosh P.
6-Apr-2016DPCO dose too strong, hits medicine access: IIM studyBhatnagar, Jyotsna
2020Industry evolution in India’s vitamin C & D markets: evidence from 2007-2013Chauhan, Mayank; Joshi, Sitar
2013The transition of childbirth practices among tribal women in Gujarat, India - a grounded theory approachSharma, Bharati; Giri, Gayatri; Christensson, Kyllike; KV, Ramani; Johansson, Eva
26-Apr-2024Workplace violence and the impostor phenomenon in medicine: a US-based qualitative studyChakraverty, Devasmita