Browsing by Subject Menstruation
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
3-Nov-2021 | COVID-19 and period products usage among menstruating women in urban and rural India | Babbar, Karan; Dev, Pritha |
2023 | Development and validation of the menstrual health and hygiene (MHH) scale for adolescent girls and teachers: associating MHH needs, practices, beliefs and experiences of adolescent girls and teachers with student engagement | Babbar, Karan |
25-Jun-2017 | An 'innovative' take on challenges | Gupta, Anil K. |
2019 | Working with NGO Sukhibhava and suggesting recommendations to improve their fellowship | Tolia, Harshita; Charak, Isha; Sharma, Rachita |