Browsing by Subject Nutrition

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
27-Apr-2021Another wave spells more nutrition lossSinghal, Karan; Rajendra, Advaita; Sarin, Ankur
2021Ground truthing the cost of achieving the EAT lancet recommended diets: Evidence from rural IndiaGupta S.; Vemireddy V.; Singh D.K.; Pingali P.
27-Sep-2012A Nutrition profile of AhmedabadGanapathy, R. S.; Ganapathy, Sugandha
2019Nutritional outcomes of empowerment and market integration for women in rural IndiaGupta S.; Vemireddy V.; Pingali P.L.
2015Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency across the spectrum of glucose intoleranceModi, K. D.; Ahmed, Md Ishaq; Chandwani, Rajesh; Hari Kumar, K. V. S.
4-Sep-2021Rural India spends only one-third of money needed for proper dietShastri, Parth
2021Seasonal time trade-offs and nutrition outcomes for women in agriculture: Evidence from rural IndiaVemireddy V.; Pingali P.L.
18-Jul-2024Women’s empowerment and intra-household diet diversity across the urban continuum: evidence from India’s DHSGupta, Soumya; Seth, Payal; Vermireddy, Vidya; Pingali, Prabhu