Browsing by Subject Performance analysis

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Design, modeling, and analysis of vertical robotic storage and retrieval systemsAzadeh, K.; Roy, Debjit; De, Koster R.
2006Determinants of knowledge flows and firm performance in industrial clustersUpadhyayula, Rajesh S.
24-Oct-2024Dynamic managerial capabilities: a critical synthesis and future directionsBaishya, Somnath; Karna, Amit; Mahapatra, Diptiranjan; Kumar, Satish; Mukherjee, Debmalya
24-Mar-2010Organistional performance analysis: a different perspectiveSood, Anil; Pestonjee, D. M.