Browsing by Subject Personnel Management and Industrial Relations

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
13-May-2010Affirmative ActionMonappa, Arun
13-May-2010Case Study on TISCO, Jamshedpur, and ITC, CalcuttaMonappa, Arun
10-May-2010The Indian Joint Family System as a Model for Designing Human Resources Management Systems in Small EnterprisesJoseph, Jerome
13-May-2010Intention and Achievement in Non-Formal EducationSheth, N. R.
13-May-2010Negotiating Skills and StrategiesJoseph, Jerome
10-May-2010A Survey of Labour Management Consultation Mechanisms in the Indian ContextJoseph, Jerome
10-May-2010A Survey of the Training Needs of I.A.S. Officers (10-16 Years Group)Joseph, Jerome; Thomas, Liza