Browsing by Subject Right to education

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10-Apr-2024Meet the boy who became RTE guru-
16-Jun-2015Mismatch in RTE claims of govt educational bodies: IIMA reportBhatia, Tanushree
10-Jun-2019Online Implementation of the RTE MandateRanganathan, Kavitha
10-Jun-2019Online Implementation of the RTE Mandate: A Teaching NoteRanganathan, Kavitha
25-Mar-2015Pvt schools fill just 29% of 2 mn seats for kids from poor familiesNanda, Prashant K.
25-Mar-2015Right to education: pvt schools still lag far behind-
26-Mar-2015State needs to improve in RTE-