Browsing by Subject Sampling

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Mar-2013A Bayesian test of Independence in a two-way contingency table using surrogate samplingNandram, Balgobin; Bhatta, Dilli; Sedransk, Joe; Bhadra, Dhiman
2014Identifying the major factors that makes a candidate win more than 5 subsequent electionsAlexander, Arul; Kulothungan; G., Ramachandran
20-Mar-2010Mathematical programming method to determine exact optimum allocation in stratified random samplingRaghavachari, M.
2019On robust estimates of correlated risk in cyber-insured IT firms: a first look at optimal AI-based estimates under “small” dataPal, Ranjan; Golubchik, Leana; Konstantions, Psounis; Bandyopadhyay, Tathagata
2013SamplingGuha, Apratim
2013Sampling DistributionsGuha, Apratim
14-Mar-2010Some results on the use of random numbers in sampling from finite and infinite populationsSabharwal, Y. P.