Browsing by Subject School climate

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Association of grade configuration with school climate for 7th and 8th grade studentsShukla, Kathan; Cornell, Dewey; Malone, Marisa
2018Does school climate mean the same thing in the United States as in Mexico? A focus on measurement invarianceShukla, Kathan; Waasdorp, Tracy E.; Johnson, Sarah Lindstrom; Solis, Mercedes Gabriela Orozco; Nguyen, Amanda J.; Rodríguez, Cecilia Colunga; Bradshaw, Catherine P.
2019Improving the measurement of school climate using item response theoryJohnson, Sarah Lindstrom; Reichenberg, Ray E.; Shukla, Kathan; Waasdorp, Tracy E.; Bradshaw, Catherine P.
2020Measuring school climate: invariance across middle and high school studentsWaasdorp, Tracy Evian; Johnson, Sarah Lindstrom; Shukla, Kathan; Bradshaw, Catherine P.
2017Racial/ethnic differences in perceptions of school climate and its association with student engagement and peer aggressionShukla, Kathan; Konold, T.; Cornell, D.; Huang, F.
2018Schooling in India: is the school climate conducive to the overall development of childrenBose, Boibhaw; Mohan, Byrisetty Shashank