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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
26-Aug-2010Chandrabala Modi Academy (A)Dixit, Mukund R.; Sharma, Rajeev
26-Aug-2010Chandrabala Modi Academy (B)Dixit, Mukund R.; Sharma, Rajeev
2-Sep-2010Chandrabala Modi Academy, Ankleshwar (A)Dixit, Mukund R.; Sharma, Rajeev
28-Oct-2005Identifying a framework for initiating, sustaining and managing innovations in schoolsSharma, Rajeev
15-Apr-2020Using complier average causal effect estimation to examine student outcomes of the PAX good behavior game when integrated with the PATHS curriculumBradshaw, Catherine P.; Shukla, Kathan D.; Pas, Elise T.; Berg, Juliette K.; Ialongo, Nicholas S.