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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
25-Aug-2010Marketing Professional Ship Management ServicesVenaik, Sunil; Raghuram, G.; Sharma, Y.
2015Optimizing Merchant Discount Rate (MDR) or one of the Largest Merchant Acquirers in South AmericaMathur, Gautam; Goyal, Tarang; Mudgil, Vinay
2015Predicting Policy Renewal Probability in Auto Insurance SectorPagidimarri, Venkatesh; Kasivajjala, Vamsichandra; Miyan, Deepti
1988Psychographic segmentation of car ownersGiridhar, K.; Sarkar, P.
8-Sep-2010Radio Mirchi: Entry into Kolkata MarketJaiswal, Anand Kumar; Palan, Harit
6-Sep-2010Radio Mirchi: Marketing Strategy for Kolkata Entry (Case)Jaiswal, Anand Kumar; Palan, Harit
22-Oct-2003Shopping orientation in the evolving Indian marketSinha, Piyush Kumar
2003Shopping orientation in the evolving Indian marketSinha P.K.