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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
5-Oct-2023Assessing policy options for sustainable water use in India's cereal production systemSingh, Vartika; Stevanovic, Miodrag; Jha, Chandan Kumar; Beier, Felicitas; Ghosh, Ranjan Kumar; Lotze-Campen, Hermann; Popp, Alexander
2019Contestations around water allocation during a climate crisis in India: the case of ‘IPL vs. drought’Shah, Arpit; Mathur, Navdeep
19-Jul-2002Death by waterGupta, Anil K.
2020Enhancing performance of participatory water institutions in the eastern Indo-Gangetic plains: what can we learn from new institutional economics and governance theories?Gandhi, Vasant P.; Johnson, Nicky
2020Enhancing performance of participatory water institutions in the Eastern Indo-Gangetic plains: What can we learn from new institutional economics and governance theories?Gandhi V.P.; Johnson N.
2020Gender perspective in water management: The involvement of women in participatory water institutions of Eastern IndiaKhandker V.; Gandhi V.P.; Johnson N.
2020Institutional structure, participation, and devolution in water institutions of Eastern IndiaGandhi V.P.; Johnson N.; Neog K.; Jain D.
12-Mar-2010Linear programming model for optimal water transmission system: a case study for AhmedabadMukherjee, Shishir K.; Mehta, Ashok
2020Performance behavior of participatorywater institutions in Eastern India: A study through structural equation modellingJohnson N.; Gandhi V.P.; Jain D.
16-Oct-2024What explains rice exports? an analysis of major rice-exporting countriesVarma, Poornima