Browsing by Subject Welfare

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-Mar-2010Average welfare fair and egalitarian solutions for bargaining problemsLahiri, Somdeb
24-Mar-2010Distributional impact of government expenditure a welfare indication approachDholakia, Archana; Dholakia, Ravindra H.
20-Mar-2010Medium to long term impacts of falling energy prices and welfare changes in agriculture sectorTewari, Devi D.
5-Jul-2010The Peanut Program and Pass through of Prices, Conjectural Variations and Consumers' Welfare GainFletcher, S. M.; Deodhar, Satish Y.
2015Probabilistic selling in quality-differentiated marketsSubramaniam, Ramanathan; Zhang, Z.; Joseph, K.
17-Apr-2010Role of welfare officers in family planning and welfareVerma, Pramod; Rao, T. V.
2013The Welfare Implications of Patent Protection, Pricing and Licensing in the Indian Oral Anti-Diabetic MarketChatterjee, Chirantan; Kubo, Kensuke; Pingali, Viswanath