Browsing by Author Chhokar, Jagdeep S.

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Showing results 35 to 54 of 107 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1992Dynamics of Strategy implementation: a study of international joint venturesGupta, Shalini S.
20-Jul-2010Education for CitizenshipChhokar, Jagdeep S.
15-Oct-2000Effective leadership in India: a multi-method studyChhokar, Jagdeep S.
18-Oct-2001Electoral reforms : need for citizens' involvementChhokar, Jagdeep S.
20-Oct-2002Electoral reforms: key to effective democracyChhokar, Jagdeep S.
6-Jul-2010Electoral Reforms: Law Commission's RecommendationsChhokar, Jagdeep S.
3-Jun-2010Electoral Reforms: Law Commission's RecommendationsChhokar, Jagdeep S.
19-Jul-2003Electoral reforms: need of the hourChhokar, Jagdeep S.
23-Mar-2010Emerging environment for business in India: a scenarioChhokar, Jagdeep S.; Dixit, Mukund R.
22-Sep-1986An empirical investigation of export promotion programmesKedia, Ben L.; Chhokar, Jagdeep S.
5-Oct-1995Explaining leadership performance through cognitive resources: a comment on fielderMisra, Sasi B.; Chhokar, Jagdeep S.
2008Exploration of positive characteristics in employee engaging in organizational citizenship behaviorsGoel, Abhishek
1988Extent of exposure and satisfaction with exposure as predictors of attitudes towards women as managersSwamy, Ranjini
1998Factors influencing commitment of key individuals towards an organisational transformationKhokle, Pradyumana
22-Sep-1986Factors inhibiting export performance of firms: an empirical investigationKedia, Ben L.; Chhokar, Jagdeep S.
21-Sep-1986Feedback makes senseChhokar, Jagdeep S.
25-Oct-2004Higher education for what?Chhokar, Jagdeep S.
3-Aug-2010Holiday Planners and Resorts LimitedChhokar, Jagdeep S.
3-Aug-2017How to curb 'invisible money': reforms suggested by the election and law commissions must be given a chanceChhokar, Jagdeep S.
1993Human resource management in diversified organizations: a strategic management perspectiveKrishna, Anujayesh