Browsing by Author Chhokar, Jagdeep S.

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Showing results 75 to 94 of 107 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
9-Aug-2010MMTC Limited: 1992 (A)Chhokar, Jagdeep S.; Jain, Abhinandan K.; Vyas, Preeta H.
9-Aug-2010MMTC Limited: 1992 (B)Chhokar, Jagdeep S.; Jain, Abhinandan K.; Vyas, Preeta H.
3-Aug-2010Natural Resources Corporation Limited (A)Dixit, Mukund R.; Chhokar, Jagdeep S.
3-Aug-2010Natural Resources Corporation Limited: Organization Structure (B)Chhokar, Jagdeep S.; Dixit, Mukund R.
3-Aug-2010Natural Resources Corporation Limited: People Management (C)Chhokar, Jagdeep S.; Dixit, Mukund R.
25-Oct-2004Of, for and by the peopleChhokar, Jagdeep S.
5-Jul-2010Organization Development and the Quality MovementChhokar, Jagdeep S.
18-Nov-2010Organizational Stress and Coping in Seven National Contexts: A Cross Cultural InvestigationChhokar, Jagdeep S.; O'Driscoll, M. P.; Bhagat, R. S.
2-Jul-2010Organizational Stress and Coping in Seven National Contexts: A Cross-Cultural InvestigationBhagat, R. S.; O'Driscoll, M. P.; Chhokar, Jagdeep S.
5-Oct-1995Organizational values, role demands and job-related affective experiences in IndiaChhokar, Jagdeep S.
1-Jun-1989Preferred organizations: Perceptions of prospective managersChhokar, Jagdeep S.
13-May-2010Proposal to Transport Related Ministries for FundingManikutty, S.; Raghuram, G.; Ramani, K. V.; Rao, V. Venkata; Ravichandran, N.; Chhokar, Jagdeep S.
14-Jul-2010Re-engineering: Starting AfreshChhokar, Jagdeep S.
20-Oct-2002Reforming the electoral systemChhokar, Jagdeep S.
3-May-2010RTC Case DevelopmentJoseph, Jerome; Sridharan, R.; Ravichandran, N.; Rao, V. Venkata; Barua, Samir K.; Gupta, O. K.; Chhokar, Jagdeep S.; Raghuram, G.
14-Mar-2010Safety at the work place: a behavioural approachChhokar, Jagdeep S.
22-Sep-2010Safety at the Work Place: A Behavioural ApproachChhokar, Jagdeep S.
21-Mar-2010Safety management in transportationMathew, Dilip; Chhokar, Jagdeep S.; Jain, Rekha; Raghuram, G.
10-May-2010Safety Management in TransportationJain, Rekha; Chhokar, Jagdeep S.; Raghuram, G.; Mathews, Dilip
23-Mar-2010Setting up an irrigation cooperative: a feasibility studyKolavalli, Shashi; Chhokar, Jagdeep S.; Naik, Gopal; Saha, Jahar; Bhat, Ramesh