Browsing by Author Das, Abhiman

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Showing results 39 to 58 of 66 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Impact of Sarv Siksha Abhiyan on the elementary educational attainment of childrenAgrawal, Swapnil
2019Indian automobile industry and its declining trendChaudhary, Sundeep; Sota, Siddharth
2020Indian insurance sector: a studySwaminathan, Anirudh; Mehta, Udit
19-Dec-2020Industrial conglomerates owning banks is a bad ideaDas, Abhiman; Ghani, Ejaz
9-Sep-2023Infrastructure and Finance: Evidence from India's GQ Highway NetworkDas, Abhiman; Ghani, Ejaz; Goswami, Arti Grover; Kerr, William R.; Nanda, Ramana
2018Interest rate pass-through from policy rate to bank lending and deposit ratesTripathi, Dhananjay; Bansal, Nayan
7-Aug-2021Is a bad bank a good idea for India?Bansal, Kshitij; Choraria, Rohan
9-Sep-2023JUE insight: Infrastructure and Finance: Evidence from India’s GQ highway networkDas, Abhiman; Ghani, Ejaz; Grover, Arti; Kerr, William; Nanda, Ramana
2019Kisan credit card’s impact on agricultural economyChauhan, Anuja; Agarwal, Charul
2017Linking India's rivers – a nation divided by opinion, united by ambitionGayatri Sanjay, Nesarikar; Hasmukh Vora, Siddharth; Govindani, Yojit
8-Jan-2016Mark-up and efficiency of Indian banks: an Input distance function approachDas, Abhiman; Kumbhakar, Subal C.
2016Markup and efficiency of Indian banks: an input distance function approachDas, Abhiman; Kumbhakar, S.C.
2016Negative interest ratesSinghi, Pradip
26-Sep-2021Nowcasting inflation in India with daily crowd-sourced prices using dynamic factors and mixed frequency modelsYadav, Varun; Das, Abhiman
2019Pre and post merger analysis of SBI and BOB mergersChaudhary, Anannya; Neha, Palagiri
22-Dec-2020The RBI's 'weighty' food problemDas, Abhiman
7-Sep-2021RBI’s digital currency: prospects, opportunities and risks in the Indian contextKatariya, Ankit; Agarwal, Vaibhav
2020REITs: an Indian real estate euphoriaMundhada, Ketan; Nerkar, Chinmay
1-Feb-2022State-owned banks and credit allocation in India: evidence from an asset quality reviewDas, Abhiman; Mohapatra, Sanket; Nigania, Akshita
2020Study of leading macroeconomic indicators in IndiaAgarwal, Harsh; Shashishekara, Vishwamithra; Yadav, Gaurang Singh