Browsing by Author Kaul, Asha

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Showing results 12 to 31 of 54 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
28-Aug-2010Corporate Communications: Online Teaching Course Material for NIIT (CD 1)Kaul, Asha
2014Corporate reputation decoded: building, managing and strategizing for corporate excellenceKaul, Asha; Desai, A.
2020Crisis communication during Covid-19Tibrewal, Chirag; Sindhu, Puneet
8-Apr-2010Crossing the Digital Barrier: Leadership Issues for Women in the IT BPO SectorKaul, Asha; Jain, Rekha
2018Cultural differences in emotional reactions towards crisis communicationsS, Narayanan; S, Sreenidhi; Gupta, Srishti
18-Jul-2021Demystifying leadership: unveiling the Mahabharata codeKaul, Asha; Gupta, Vishal
2018Digital Activism: NGOs leveraging social media to influence/challenge Corporate Social ResponsibilityChaudhri, Vidhi; Kaul, Asha
2017Do celebrities have it all? Context collapse and the networked publicsKaul, Asha; Chaudhri, Vidhi
29-Apr-2023Doing “Reputation” in the Indian Context: An Employee PerspectiveDesai, Avani; Kaul, Asha; Chaudhri, Vidhi
2015Effective Business Communication, Second EditionKaul, Asha
7-Jun-2010The Effective Presentation: Talk Your Way to SuccessKaul, Asha
Jun-2016Executive leadershipKaul, Asha; Desai, Avani
2020Finding improvement areas in human-chatbot conversation experience by isolating limitations to learning and context: a quantitative and qualitative studySingh, Tanmay
3-May-2009Gender and workplace experienceKaul, Asha
25-Jul-2009Gender Differences in the Use of FTAs when Reporting Incidents of UI: An Indian StudyKaul, Asha; Patnaik, Esha
29-Oct-2006Gender differences in the use of FTAs when reporting incidents of UI: an Indian studyKaul, Asha; Patnaik, Esha
3-Aug-2009Gender Issues – Proposing new ParadigmsDutta, Anurag; Gaikwad, Ramnish; Kaul, Asha
26-Jul-2010Gender, affect and upward influenceKaul, Asha; Ansari, Mahfooz A.; Rai, Himanshu
29-Oct-2006Gender, affect, and upward influenceKaul, Asha; Ansari, Mahfooz A.; Rai, Himanshu
8-Apr-2010Gender, Downward Influence, and AffectKaul, Asha