Browsing by Author Misra, Sasi B.

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Showing results 36 to 47 of 47 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
25-Jun-1975Relationship of job involvement to perceived importance and satisfaction of employee needsMisra, Sasi B.; Dayal, Ishwar; Kanungo, Rabindra N.
15-Oct-2000Resourcefulness: a proximal conceptualization of entrepreneurial behaviourMisra, Sasi B.; Kumar, Sendil E.
18-Jan-2010Resourcefulness: a proximal conceptualisation of entrepreneurial behaviourMisra, Sasi B.; Kumar, E. Sendil
28-May-2010Salience of job-instrumentality factors in pre and post decision organizational choiceKalro, A. H.; Misra, Sasi B.
19-Jan-1977Self-medication practices: an explanatory studySen Gupta, S.; Misra, Sasi B.
28-Dec-1972Simulated orgnaizational choice: post decision dissonance reduction and self-perceptionMisra, Sasi B.; Kalro, A. H.
4-Aug-2010Six Essentials of Test MakingMisra, Sasi B.; Desai, Tripti P.
1999Small business behavior: development and test of a multivariate modelKumar, E. Sendil
7-Apr-2010A Study of Negotiation BehaviourMisra, Sasi B.; Kalro, A. H.
2007Trust and organisational commitment: a study in the Indian pharmaceutical sectorNambudiri, Ranjeet
4-Aug-2010Vivek Makes His ChoiceRamnarayan, S.; Misra, Sasi B.
16-Aug-2010Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (XIM)Misra, Sasi B.