Browsing by Author Mohapatra, Sanket

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Showing results 56 to 59 of 59 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Unconventional monetary policy normalisation and emerging market capital flowsMohapatra, Sanket; Burns, Andrew; Kida, Mizudo; Lim, Jamus Jerome; Stocker, Marc
Jan-2016Unconventional monetary policy normalisation and emerging market capital flowsBurns, Andrew; Kida, Mizudo; Lim, Jamus; Mohapatra, Sanket; Stocker, Marc
14-Dec-2021Unconventional monetary policy tools (UMPTs) of central banks in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs) during the COVID-19 crisisSheth, Priyanshi; Sanjana
2016Understanding contractual provisions and existence of moral hazard in tractor industryBusar, Vivek; Rana, Ashish