Browsing by Author Raghuram, G.

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Showing results 410 to 429 of 464 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
13-Aug-2010Supply Chain Management in TitanRaghuram, G.
14-Oct-1999Supply chain management the imperative evolutionRaghuram, G.; Rangaraj, N.
9-Jun-2010Supply Chain Management: Cases and ConceptsRangaraj, N.; Raghuram, G.; Srinivasan, M.M.
19-Oct-2001Supply chain management: the imperative evolutionRaghuram, G.; Rangaraj, N.
13-Aug-2010Swami and His Friends at the Malgudi Post OfficeRaghuram, G.
20-Jul-2010Synthesis Paper on Strengthening Policy Reforms for Transport Infrastructure DevelopmentRaghuram, G.; Rangaraj, Narayan
25-Aug-2010System Integration at Marmugao Port TrustPandey, Ajay; Raghuram, G.
24-Aug-2010System Integration at Mormugao Port TrustPandey, Ajay; Raghuram, G.
26-Aug-2010System Integration at Queen Port TrustPandey, Ajay; Raghuram, G.
1990Systems analysis of the computerised passenger reservation system for road, rail and air transportMandal, A.; Shekhar, Y.; Philip, J.
19-Aug-2010Tata Infotech Limited: Bid Evaluation for GSWANRaghuram, G.; Jain, Rekha
16-Sep-2010Tata Steel Case StudiesRaghuram, G.; Jain, Rekha; Prasad, R. N.; Kumar, Devendra
28-Jul-2010Teaching Note on the Case Maintenance Scheduling of Railway Coaching Stock: A Case of AhmedabadRaghuram, G.; Korgaonkar, M. G.; Padmanabhan, Gita
1989Teleconferencing in India:an overviewGuha, Sumit; Mitter, Mayukh; Iyer, Sreenivasan
2000Television advertising and consumer price sensitivity: a contingent approachBadrinath, V. V. P.
6-May-2011This Budget has a Human FaceRaghuram, G.
16-Aug-2010Tirumala Tirupati DevasthanamsRaghuram, G.; Madhavan, T.
30-Aug-2010Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (A)Raghuram, G.; Madhavan, T.
19-Aug-2010Tobacco Procurement Logistic at CMCRaghuram, G.
2008Toilets and TrainsRaghuram, G.