Browsing by Author Shastri, Parth

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Showing results 49 to 68 of 132 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10-May-2020IIM-A introduces 10 EWS seats for this academic yearShastri, Parth
12-Oct-2020IIM-A launches Covid dashboardShastri, Parth
27-Feb-2023IIM-A placements: India Inc's number of offers hits 6-year highShastri, Parth
10-Oct-2024IIM-A responds to student death, adds counselling aideShastri, Parth
15-Apr-2022IIM-A student gets philanthropy pushShastri, Parth
15-Apr-2024IIM-A thesis unravels ownership demographics of state's textile unitsShastri, Parth
30-Mar-2024IIM-A's graduating PGPX batch most diverseShastri, Parth
17-Jan-2022IIM-A, IIT-Gn wrap students in bio-bubbleShastri, Parth
25-Oct-2023IIMA Review: Experts stress on improved research, expansionShastri, Parth
8-May-2023IIMA’s ‘Corporate’ goes to the World Bank!Shastri, Parth
3-Mar-2024In a first at IIM-A, blind scholar gets PhD, set to teach at IIM Bodh GayaShastri, Parth
30-Oct-2020In Covid times, healthcare sees 50% pay hike & spike in hiringShastri, Parth
5-May-2022India Inc's 'closet ceiling': most gay people leading dual livesShastri, Parth
21-Aug-2023Indian Spend 4.5+ hrs a Day on Infotainment Apps: IIM-A StudyShastri, Parth
1-Jul-2024Irrespective of income, gold accounts for average 18% assets for householdsShastri, Parth
27Israeli technology to help gujarat DFS screen terroristsShastri, Parth
7-Aug-2019IT sector the top paymaster, recruiter of IIM-A's PGPX grads over nine yearsShastri, Parth
8It's Google V/S LibraryShastri, Parth
8It's Google Vs. LibraryShastri, Parth
1-Dec-2020Just 4 of 79 HIV patients who got Covid diedShastri, Parth