Browsing by Author Shastri, Parth

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Showing results 102 to 121 of 132 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
3-Dec-2023Sans limbs, AP boy dream-rollsinto IIM-AShastri, Parth
6-Dec-2020Sardar's war on A'bad plague first propped him as able leaderShastri, Parth
8-Sep-2021Science grads earn 22% more, says IIM-A studyShastri, Parth
11-Mar-2023'Self-regulatory organization desirable for fintech sector'Shastri, Parth
7-Jul-2022Shaking off 'IIT-IIM' tag: 33.5% PGP students at IIM-A are non-engineersShastri, Parth
17-Oct-2019Sharp decline in sales, profits of business houses: surveyShastri, Parth
18-Feb-2020Slowdown keeps IIM-A grads away from entrepreneurshipShastri, Parth
19-Jun-2022Son's health struggles put him on IIM-Ahmedabad pathShastri, Parth
10-Oct-2022Southern Sunrise: IIM-A course to decode tsunami of South moviesShastri, Parth
28-Mar-2022Stars to show the way to healthy food in IndiaShastri, Parth
8-Mar-2020Startup & innovation: she -powered startupsShastri, Parth
5-Feb-2024Startup Soar in the stateShastri, Parth
20-Dec-2015Startups will take Gujarati enterprise forwardShastri, Parth
18-Aug-2019State gets India's biggest teacher training initiativeShastri, Parth
16-Mar-2020Study: Gujarat among India’s startup incubator championsShastri, Parth
5-Sep-2019Talking walls offer eloquent lessonsShastri, Parth
8-Sep-2019Tax codes found in verses of Kalidasa!Shastri, Parth
1-May-2022Telangana autorickshaw driver's son rides into IIM AhmedabadShastri, Parth
10-Jun-2020Time ripe for land reform: IIM-A working paperShastri, Parth
5-Sep-2022To stem learning loss, these gurus went above call of dutyShastri, Parth