Browsing by Author Shastri, Parth

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Showing results 127 to 132 of 132 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20-Aug-2020Vali Shala, where parents are taught how to teach kidsShastri, Parth
8-Sep-2021'Weak link between grit, choosing science'Shastri, Parth
31-May-2023When dhotis were exported as saris to defeat ban in SudanShastri, Parth
10-Feb-2022Women comprise only 5% of top management in Indian cos: studyShastri, Parth
30-Oct-2023Women more likely to justify domestic violence: StudyShastri, Parth
17-Apr-2023World class: alumni funding nearly doubles at IIT-Gandhinagar in 3 yearsShastri, Parth