Browsing by Author Varma, Poornima

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Showing results 18 to 37 of 41 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Impact of futures trading on spot markets: an empirical analysis of rubber in IndiaGupta, Akanksha; Varma, Poornima
10-Mar-2017India's horticulture sector - A port- level analysis of onion export pricingVarma, Poornima; Issar, Akash
2014Intra Industry Trade and Likely Labour Market Adjustment in SAFTA: Exploring the Reasons for Poor Intra-Regional and Intra-Industry TradeVarma, Poornima
5-Apr-2017Intra-industry trade and labour market adjustment: Indian manufacturing sectorVarma, Poornima; Issar, Akash
31-Dec-2019Jalaram rice mills private limited: Vithal H Mistry's dilemmaVarma, Poornima; Jena, Sanjay Kumar
31-Dec-2019Jalaram rice mills private limited: Vithal H Mistry's dilemma: a teaching note.Varma, Poornima; Jena, Sanjay Kumar
7-Mar-2017An Overview of Trade Theories and Rationale for and against Free TradeVarma, Poornima
31-Mar-2017Patidar Exports Private LimitedVarma, Poornima; Jena, Sanjay Kumar
31-Mar-2017Patidar Exports Private Limited: A Teaching NoteVarma, Poornima; Jena, Sanjay Kumar
7-Sep-2021Plant-based meat market, consumer perception and factors affecting their decisionsBhawana; Gupta, Harshita
2020Preliminary study for upscaling fish economy in Kanyakumari by developing homestead based business modelsA, Rahul Krishna
2016Pricing to market behaviour of India's high value agri-food exporters: an empirical analysis of major destination marketsVarma, Poornima; Issar, Akash
2022Pulses for Food and Nutritional Security of India: Production, Markets and TradeVarma, Poornima
23-Feb-2022Reforms farming needsVarma, Poornima; Gupta, Nikita
2017Rice productivity and food security in India: a study of the system of rice intensificationVarma, Poornima
2017Rice productivity and food security in India: a study of the system of rice IntensificationVarma, Poornima
2023Smallholder output market participation, channel choice and its impacts: empirical evidence from paddy markets in Uttar Pradesh, IndiaChauhan, Sonalee
2-Oct-2020Sowing a bitter harvest? Indian farmers need more market access, not more marketsVarma, Poornima; Singh, Gurpreet
9-Feb-2022Step up agri-spending, boost farm incomesVarma, Poornima
7-Sep-2021Studying food & supply chain management of crofarmGadekar, Avinash; Shid, Akshaykumar