Browsing by Author Agarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
19-Sep-2012Analysis of short-term and long-term post-merger performance of Indian companiesTulsian, Ankit; Harish, Roshan
2017Analyzing impact of company fundamentals on long-term stock performance in IndiaGoel, Abhay; Balasubramanian, Prakhar
2015Are big 4 audit fee premiums always related to superior audit quality? evidence from India’s unique audit marketJacob, Joshy; Desai, Naman; Agarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar
Nov-2024Asymmetric uncertainty around earnings announcements: evidence from options marketsSaurav, Sumit; Agarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar; Varma, Jayanth R.
28-Jun-2023Beleif distortion near 52W high and low: evidence from Indian equity options marketSaurav, Sumit; Agarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar; Varma, Jayanth R.
2014Betting against beta in the Indian marketAgarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar; Jacob, Joshy; Varma, Jayanth R.; Vasudevan, Ellapulli
12-Aug-2022Big-4 auditors and audit quality: a novel firm life-cycle approachJain, Sonali; Agarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar
2019Case study on factors behind WeWork’s IPO implosionGupta, Gunjan; Singh, Sonal
23-Jun-2017Crop insurance and the agrarian crisis in IndiaAgarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar; Barua, Samir K.
2019Does GST in India hurt producing regions? A new estimate of the tax base under GST of select statesMorris, Sebastian; Pandey, Ajay; Agarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar; Agarwalla, Astha
2013Effectiveness of Financial Literacy Interventions in Improving Financial Literacy among Rural Women in North IndiaAgarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar; Barua, Samir K.; Jacob, Joshy; Varma, Jayanth R.
2017Efficacy of using Piotroski F-Score as an Investment Model Compared to Greenblatt's Magic Formula Model in the Indian ContextAhuja, Udit; Jain, Neil
2-Feb-2021Equity portfolio diversification: how many stocks are enough? evidence from IndiaRaju, Ranjan; Agarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar
Oct-2018An examination of factors driving big 4 audit fee premiums: evidence from India's audit marketJacob, Joshy; Desai, Naman; Agarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar
2019An examination of factors driving big 4 audit fee premiums: Evidence from India’s audit marketJacob, Joshy; Desai, Naman; Agarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar
2013Experimental Research Programme to Design Effective Financial EducationAgarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar; Barua, Samir K.; Jacob, Joshy; Varma, Jayanth R.
19-Jan-2013Expiration-day effects and the impact of short trading breaks on intraday volatility: evidence from the Indian marketAgarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar; Pandey, Ajay
2013Financial Inclusion Research and Convening ProgrammeAgarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar; Barua, Samir K.; Jacob, Joshy; Varma, Jayanth R.
26-Nov-2013Financial literacy among working young in urban IndiaAgarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar; Barua, Samir K.; Jacob, Joshy; Varma, Jayanth R.
2015Financial literacy among working young in urban IndiaAgarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar; Barua, Samir K.; Jacob, Joshy; Varma, Jayanth R.