Browsing by Author Chakrabarti, Anindya S.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Coordination in sharing economy: a study of ride-hailing platformsJoshi, Harit
7-Nov-2022Cross-border environmental regulation and firm labor demandChakraborty, Pavel; Chakrabarti, Anindya S.; Chatterjee, Chirantan
Jun-2020Disentangling shock diffusion on complex networks: identification through graph planarityKumar, Sudarshan; Matteo, Tiziana Di; Chakrabarti, Anindya S.
2018Finding statistical relationship between Markowitz portfolios and Eigen portfoliosMehra, Shubham
1-Jul-2020Fractional differencing: (in)stability of spectral structure and risk measures of financial networksChakrabarti, Arnab; Chakrabarti, Anindya S.
2016The game of taxes: an application of game theory to taxesSaini, Rahul
27-May-2021Gravity and depth of social media networksGuha, Pritha; Bansal, Avijit; Guha, Apratim; Chakrabarti, Anindya S.
29-Jan-2024Inequality and income mobility: the case of targeted and universal interventions in IndiaChakrabarti, Anindya S.; Mishra, Abhinash; Mohaghegh, Mohsen
2006Inter-temporal correlation structure of cross-country technology diffusion: an application of the generalized lotkav olterra modelGanguly, Srinjoy
2019Macroeconomic impact of zero lower boundsSota, Siddharth; Kedia, Raj Kumar
2020Measuring Complexity in Financial DataYadav, Gaurang Singh; Guha, Apratim; Chakrabarti, Anindya S.
2-Feb-2023Movies, stigma and choice: evidence from the pharmaceutical industryAggarwal, Mayank; Chakrabarti, Anindya S.; Chatterjee, Chirantan
23-Jul-2024Multi-plant firms and the heavy tail of firm size distributionChakrabarti, Anindya S.; Tomar, Shekhar
2019Network theory and agent-based modeling in economics and finance-
12-Jul-2022Pandemics and technology engagement: new evidence from m-Health intervention during COVID-19 in IndiaRathi, Sawan; Chakrabarti, Anindya S.; Chatterjee, Chirantan; Hegde, Aparna
2016Relationship between inflation and growth in the Indian contextBasha, A. Asif; Baheti, Yash
2016Religious priming effect on prisoner's dilemmaYadav, Lokesh; Anand, Suresh
2016Religious priming: effect on respondent's ultimatum gameDeodhar, Aditya; Meena, Devendra Kumar
Jan-2023Research and market structure: evidence from an antibiotic-resistant pathogenic outbreakAggarwal, Mayank; Chakrabarti, Anindya S.; Chatterjee, Chirantan; Higgins, Matthew J.
9-Nov-2022Sparsistent filtering of comovement networks from high-dimensional dataChakrabarti, Arnab; Chakrabarti, Anindya S.