Browsing by Author Chaudhary, Vikram

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 22  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
27-Mar-2023Accessing IIMA's online coursesChaudhary, Vikram
28-Mar-2022A classroom must be either fully online or fully offline; hybrid classes don't workChaudhary, Vikram
9-Nov-2020Creating data literati: top IITs and IIMs have partnered with QlikChaudhary, Vikram
17-May-2021Focus on 'digital' to give us unique identityChaudhary, Vikram
25-Dec-2023Globalizing Indian Thought: Indian school, universal missionChaudhary, Vikram
6-Dec-2021Gurgaon B-school one-ups IIMsChaudhary, Vikram
17-Mar-2025Gurugram B-school takes on IIMs in salariesChaudhary, Vikram
20-Jun-2022Helping design well-rounded graduatesChaudhary, Vikram
3-Jun-2024How Bombay's NITIE is going transformed into Mumbai`s IIMChaudhary, Vikram
8-Aug-2022How IIT D rose to the fourth spot after IIM A, B and CChaudhary, Vikram
16-May-2022How is the UGC dual degree different from what IITs and IIMs offer?Chaudhary, Vikram
30-Oct-2023How the IIM tag will change NITIEChaudhary, Vikram
12-Jun-2023IIM Kozhikode reorganises the alphabet - from ABC to ABKChaudhary, Vikram
16-Sep-2024Indian b-schools rising up the ranksChaudhary, Vikram
21-May-2024ISB remains premier B-school in India; 3 IIMs also make the cutChaudhary, Vikram
25-Oct-2023'The next wave of top B-schools will come from university campuses'Chaudhary, Vikram
21-Oct-2024Northest's IIM wants to go northChaudhary, Vikram
9-Jan-2023Remote working, India learner base boosted coursera numbersChaudhary, Vikram
12-Feb-2024Six Indian B-schools in FT top 100 list;ISB best in countryChaudhary, Vikram
8-May-2023Technology won’t take away your job, but a person who can use technology better than you just mightChaudhary, Vikram