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dc.contributor.authorParikh, Indira J.-
dc.description.abstractThe paper is based on the ten years of experience of the author and her colleague professor Pulin K. Garg with women students, career women, professionals and housewives. The paper explores the dynamics of 'being' and 'becoming' of Indian women. The women experienced their 'being' mortgaged to the traditional culture and prescriptive roles and their 'becoming' to the emerging modern aspirations. Each step the women take to come to terms confronts her with a choice - the choice of branching out on her own or to postpone her dreams and aspirations for the role security of home and husband, the choice of enduring and persistant involvement in her career, life and meaning or to engage in transiant activities to save herself from boredom and spathy.en
dc.subjectWomen - Indiaen
dc.titleModels of role identity in Indian women barriers to growthen
dc.typeWorking Paperen
Appears in Collections:Working Papers

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