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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002Forecasting inflation rates using back propagation artificial neural networkKumar, Abhishek; Satapathy, Ananta N.
2001Weather derivatives - a study of the valuation and scope in IndiaKumar, Abhishek; Satapathy, Ananta N.
2012Private equity infrastructure in in IndiaMohan, Vybhavi Shashi; Kumar, Abhishek; Talwai, Aniketh; J. M., Amith
2019Enhancing K-12 learning by introducing experiential learning techniquesKumar, Abhishek; Singh, Kuldeep
2019Economic measures by India and other countries to cope with COVID-19 and policy recommendations to enhance India's future competitivenessMashruwala, Rakesh; Kumar, Abhishek; Sharma, Rajesh
2020Evolution of the entertainment ecosystem in India and challenges aheadKumar, Abhishek; Kumar, Pratyush
2020Branding in digital eraKumar, Abhishek; Saini, Kanishk
2020Evolution of the entertainment ecosystem in India and challenges aheadKumar, Abhishek; Kumar, Pratyush
2022Polygon: use of a decentralized Ethereum scaling platformKumar, Abhishek; Kumar, Sushant