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Results 1-10 of 20 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1987Decision support system - project managementPatil, Shashi Kishore; Prasad, V. C. S. N.; Sambamurthy, N.
2006Daily volatility forecasting methodologies: application and extensionsKalwachwala, Hanoz
1989Ethics in managementSubramanam, Shiva.
1990Product Design: managaerial aspectsSudeepa, D.; Shaw, Ramond.
1991Study of factors affecting retailer behaviour in urban and rural marketsKacker, Amrish.; Srinivasan, G.
1994Demand forcasting for new productsRamakrishnan, J.
1995Managing EuroissuesNittu, Chetan; Prakash, Geeta
1996Foreign currency managementJiwane, Vibhas; Choudhury, Soumya
2006Applications and limitations of real options in competitive scenarios in making strategic investment decisionsHarlalka, Vikash; Shukla, Sameer
2001ASP licensing and pricingMathew, Thomas; Madhusudhan, B. A.