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Results 1-10 of 25 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014ROI of social media marketingChauhan, Arushi; Verma, Nisha
2014A study of celebrity brand endorsements on TwitterPrakash, Mayank; Roy, Niloy; Chaturvedi, Prateek
2020Study on aspects that make social media content like dangerous online challenges go viral and trigger consumersG., Cibita; Diwan, Devyani
2020Social media analytics for hiringMinhas, Anka; Changani, Priya
6-Sep-2021Understanding key engagement drivers for blockchain based votingJain, Nandit; Jain, Prince
7-Sep-2021Modelling the impact of meme based based marketing on a company's online customer engagement relative to traditional social media marketing methodsSingh, Abhinav; Sharma, Ahsaas
14-Dec-2021Influencers in social media marketing and future of the industryJha, Kislay; Mishra, Sourav
7-Aug-2021Viral marketingAsad, Mohammed; Krishna, Narra Sai
7-Sep-2021Use of AI/ML methods on qualitative data to derive quantitative insightsVerma, Shyamal; Jakhar, Ankit Kumar
14-Dec-2021The impact of social media on employee recruitment and selectionAnsari, Mohammad Irshad; Ansari, Khalid