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dc.contributor.authorGuha, Apratim-
dc.descriptionThe seminar on R & P held at Wing 11 IIM Ahmedabad on 04/07/2013en_US
dc.description.abstractFor two independently drawn samples from continuous distributions, a statistical test based on the mutual information statistic is proposed for the null hypothesis that both the samples originate from the same population. Asymptotic properties of the test statistic under the null hypothesis of equality is developed. It is demonstrated through simulation that this test is more powerful than the commonly used nonparametric tests in many situations. As an application we discuss the information leak of e-passports. Using the mutual information based test, we detect information leak in a situation where other non-parametric tests fail.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesIIMA R & P series;-
dc.subjectStatistical testen_US
dc.subjectMutual informationen_US
dc.titleMutual information an a two sample testen_US
Appears in Collections:R & P Seminar

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2013_07_04_Wing_11.mp4Mutual information an a two sample test218.62 MBMP4 VideoView/Open

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