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Results 1-10 of 284 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Nov-2013Med negligence: Is the compensation really big?Agarwal, Anurag K.
16-Apr-2017Copyright or design: cheerleading uniformsAgarwal, Anurag K.
27-Nov-2016Looking for a solution in the Constitution!Agarwal, Anurag K.
4-Dec-2016India and bilateral investment treatiesAgarwal, Anurag K.
25-Dec-2016Verdict in Lagarde case may rattle manyAgarwal, Anurag K.
18-Dec-2016Court has to honour will of partiesAgarwal, Anurag K.
1-Jan-2017Role of patents in the global economyAgarwal, Anurag K.
15-May-2016Brazil Olympics, impeachment and corruptionAgarwal, Anurag K.
8-May-2016How copycats win intellectual property right in ChinaAgarwal, Anurag K.
24-Jul-2016Questioing the role of tribunalsAgarwal, Anurag K.