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Title: Efficient market Hypothesis: understanding and acceptance in India
Authors: Bhat, Ramesh
Pandey, I. M.
Keywords: Market;Attitudes;Perception;Effectiveness
Issue Date: 22-Mar-2010
Series/Report no.: WP;1987/691
Abstract: In Spite of Some empirical evidence in favour of the capital market efficiency in weak form and mildly in favour of semi-strong form, the ca[pital markets participants allege that the market is excessively speculative and inefficient .The object of this study therefore is to assess the extent to which the users and prepares of accounting information in India are aware of the efficient market hypothesis (EMH ) and accept the empirical findings on EMH in Indian Context . Some important findigs inthis paper is only to attitudes and perceptions in the understanding and acceptance of EMH.
Appears in Collections:Working Papers

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