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Title: Managerial roles and interfaces: some organizational issues and implication through Thematic Apperception Test
Authors: Parikh, Indira J.
Kollan, Bharti
Keywords: Managerial thinking;Thematic Apperception Test;Managerial roles
Issue Date: 3-Apr-2010
Series/Report no.: WP;2005/1895
Abstract: The present paper emphasis on the content of the stories, situations involving mostly interpersonal relations, such as father-son or superior and subordinate are examined for the feelings and subsequently, what actors are being tiggered off by the interface. The paper also explores the manager's perception of the job, role, task and performance. The paper investigate how manager take's initiatives to accept the chellenges of their jobs and subsequentlly, adding new dimensions to their role.
Appears in Collections:Working Papers

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