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Title: Performance of nonparametric control chart
Authors: Laha, Arnab Kumar
Choubey, Anant
Gupta, Divesh
Keywords: Nonparametric statistics;Nonparametric statistics - Industrial applications;Nonparametric control chart
Issue Date: 3-Apr-2010
Series/Report no.: WP;2005/1909
Abstract: In this paper we use simulation to study the performance of three of these nonparametric control charts: the median chart the boostrap control chart and hodges-lehmann control chart for different distribution of the quality characteristic. the in-control and out-of-control run length properties of these charts are compaered against that of the control chart for mean with estimeted control limits. the run length properties of all these control charts are found to be dependent on the reference sample drawn.
Appears in Collections:Working Papers

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