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Title: Discovering people potential: organizational constraints and facilitators
Authors: Dixit, Mukund R.
Bhatnagar, Deepti
Keywords: Organisational Behaviour
Issue Date: 5-Apr-2010
Series/Report no.: WP;1995/1264
Abstract: The paper highlights the importance of discovering people potential for organizations. It argues that constant search for people potential in teams and as individuals has to be an important item on organizational agenda, more so in the current context of rapid changes in the environment of today s organizations. Potential discovery processes are needed for fuller utilisation of talents which often remain unidentified and underdeveloped. After presenting a conceptual framework, the paper discusses organizational factors which influence the potential discovery process. It presents the case study of a successful organization which has consciously chosen systems and processes that facilitate the discovery, development and utilisation of people potential. Need for organizational mechanisms to sustain the potential discovery process is emphasised.
Appears in Collections:Working Papers

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