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Title: An integrated decision support system for strategic supply chain optimisation in process industries: the case of a zinc company
Authors: Dutta, Goutham
Gupta, Narain
Tiwari, Manoj K.
Keywords: Decision support system;Manufacturing systems;Supply chain management;Optimisation;Process industry;Linear programming
Issue Date: 24-Apr-2018
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Abstract: We introduce a menu-driven user-friendly decision support system (DSS) for supply chain planning based on optimisation. The DSS is based on a multi-source (supplier), multi-destination (warehouse) network having multiple manufacturing facilities, with multiple materials and multiple storage areas. This integrated supply chain model performs multiple period planning. The use of this DSS requires little knowledge of management sciences tools. We discuss the need for an integrated approach towards supply chain modelling for the process industry. We present the integrated model in the form of a database structure. We validate the model with the real data of a zinc company and demonstrate the impact of optimisation in terms of percentage improvement. The result shows that it is possible to improve unit contribution to profit from 1.89 to 4.66%.
Description: International Journal of Production Research Volume 56, 2018 - Issue 17
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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