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dc.contributor.authorAgarwal, Manish-
dc.descriptionInternational Journal of Intelligent Systemsen_US
dc.description.abstractAttitudinal Choquet integral (ACI) extends Choquetintegral (CI) through a consideration of a decision‐maker’s (DM’s) attitudinal character. In this paper, wegeneralize ACI, and the resulting operator is termed asgeneralized ACI (GACI). GACI adds to the efficacy ofthe ACI in the representation of a DM’s unique andcomplex attitudinal character. It also generates a vastrange of exponential ACI operators, such as harmonicACI, ACI, quadratic ACI, to name a few. We furtherpresent induced GACI to consider additional informa-tion that may be associated with the arguments ofaggregation. The special cases of the proposed operatorsare investigated. The usefulness of the proposedoperators in modelling human decision behavior isshown through a case study.en_US
dc.publisherJohn Wileyen_US
dc.subjectAttitudinal characteren_US
dc.subjectChoquet integralen_US
dc.subjectDecision analysisen_US
dc.titleGeneralized attitudinal Choquet integralen_US
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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