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dc.contributor.authorJaiswal, Anand Kumar
dc.contributor.authorNiraj, Rakesh
dc.contributor.authorPark, Chang Hee
dc.contributor.authorAgarwal, Manoj K.
dc.descriptionJournal of Business Research, Volume 92, November 2018, Pages 25-35en_US
dc.description.abstractTrust is important for maintaining customer relationships in online retailing, as customers have only a virtualconnection with sellers. This is especially true in online markets of emerging economies, given their lack of trust-enhancing infrastructure and well-functioning regulatory institutions. We investigate the effect of trust and a setof other relationship and transactional characteristics—mode of customer acquisition, length of relationship,service communication, product return activity, and type of products purchased—on retention in the context ofemerging online markets. We obtain data from an online retailer in India that include both survey and trans-action information. Using a latent attrition model, wefind that trust positively affects customer retention be-havior. We alsofind that relationship length, service communication, product return experience, and the type ofproducts purchased affect retention. Furthermore, we conduct split-sample analysis and suggest some man-agerial actions on spending efforts to enhance retentionen_US
dc.subjectCustomer relationship managementen_US
dc.subjectOnline retailingen_US
dc.subjectLatent attrition modelen_US
dc.titleEffect of relationship and transactional characteristics on customerretention in emerging online marketsen_US
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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