Open Access Journal Articles : [348] Collection home page

The open-access journal articles collection includes articles published by faculty/researcher of Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad in Gold/Diamond/ Hybrid/Green Open Access Journal. The Gold/Diamond Open Access Journals are those which published research articles as open access and are primarily licensed under the creative commons. Please visit the link to know more about open access publishing (

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 348
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Jan-2025Assessing the effect of mindful consumption towards residents’ well-being with the mediation of brand loyalty and self-brand connection in tourismKaur, Jaspreet; Sharma, Ruchika; Sharma, Shikha; Roy, Subhadip
16-Jan-2025A novel model using ML techniques for clinical trial design and expedited patient onboarding processIyer, Abhirvey; Narayabaswami, Sundaravalli
13-Dec-2024Structural mean models for instrumented difference-in-differencesVo, Tat-Thang; Ye, Ting; Ertefaie, Ashkan; Roy, Samrat; Flory, James; Hennessy, Sean; Vansteelandt, Stijn; Small, Dylan S
30-Nov-2024Digital technologies exacerbating mission drift in microfinance institutions: evidence from IndiaBisht, Nidhi S.; Noronha, Ernesto; Tripathy, Arun Kumar
Nov-2024Asymmetric uncertainty around earnings announcements: evidence from options marketsSaurav, Sumit; Agarwalla, Sobhesh Kumar; Varma, Jayanth R.
6-Sep-2024Interpretable classifier models for decision support using high utility gain patternsKrishnamoorthy, Srikumar
31-Aug-2024Delta-perturbation of bilevel optimization problems: an error bound analysisAntoniou, Margarita; Sinha, Ankur; Papa, Gregor
24-Oct-2024Dynamic managerial capabilities: a critical synthesis and future directionsBaishya, Somnath; Karna, Amit; Mahapatra, Diptiranjan; Kumar, Satish; Mukherjee, Debmalya
29-Oct-2024CEO's temporal orientation and entrepreneurial orientation of firm: the contingent effects of environmental characteristicsBanerjee, Saikat; Karna, Amit; Sharma, Sunil; Gupta, Vishal K.
22-Oct-2024Trend and determinants of tobacco use among Indian males over a 22-year period (1998–2021) using nationally representative dataGupta, Shibaji; Mal, Piyasa; Bhadra, Dhiman; Rajaa, Sathish; Goel, Sonu
26-Sep-2024Spatial variation and risk factors of the dual burden of childhood stunting and underweight in India: a copula geoadditive modelling approachBhadra, Dhiman
6-Sep-2024Environmental identity and perceived salience of policy issues in coastal communities: a moderated-mediation analysisRachel George, Pallavi; Gupta, Vishal
11-Jul-2024Addressing difficulties with abstract thinking for low-literate, low-income consumers through marketplace literacy: a bottom-up approach to consumer and marketing educationViswanathan, Madhu; Jaikumar, Saravana; Sreekumar, Arun; Dutta, Shantanu; Duhachek, Adam
2023Can biofuels help achieve sustainable development goals in India? A systematic reviewDas, Prantika; Jha, Chandan Kumar; Saxena, Satyam; Ghosh, Ranjan Kumar
2024Small-scale irrigation: improving food security under changing climate and water resource conditions in EthiopiaZhang, Ying; Sankaranarayanan, Sriram; Nie, Wanshu; Zaitchik, Ben; Siddiqui, Sauleh
10-Apr-2024Women at multiple levels of strategic leadership: evidence of gender spilloversEdacherian, Saneesh; Karna, Amit; Uhlenbruck, Klaus; Sharma, Sunil
17-Apr-2024Addressing grand challenges through the bottom-up marketing approach: Lessons from subsistence marketplaces and marketplace literacyViswanathan, Madhu; Sreekumar, Arun; Sridharan, Srinivas; Sinha, Gaurav R.
29-Feb-2024Disability inclusion in Indian workplaces: Mapping the research landscape and exploring new terrainsVijay, Devi; Kulkarni, Mukta; Gopakumar, K.V.; Friedner, Michele
7-Apr-2024One Nation, One Ration, Limited Interstate Traction: Migration and PDS Portability in IndiaTumbe, Chinmay; Jha, Rahul Kumar
26-Apr-2024Contesting social responsibilities of business: Centring context, experience, and relationalityD’Cruz, Premilla; Delannon, Nolywé; Kourula, Arno; McCarthy, Lauren; Moon, Jeremy; Spence, Laura J
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 348