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Title: A Note on Spread Sheet and its General Uses
Authors: Rao, V. Venkata
Keywords: Spread Sheet
Issue Date: 30-Jul-2010
Abstract: This note is meant as an introduction to spread sheet and it contains material enough for about three class session on spread sheet. It deals with the features of Lotus 1-2-3, released 2. The features covered are: size of a spread sheet,cells and ranges, copying from one range to another, menu structure, what if analysis and others. An example on the design of a spread sheet is discussed in detail. This deals with the comparison of two plans for sales commission. There are three appendices. Appendix-1 lists the role of each of the function keys, Appendix-2 lists some of the important @ functions, and Appendix-3 explains some important menu commands.At the end there are three problems for practice.
Appears in Collections:Cases and Notes

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